Supa Pirate 

Supa Pirate

A young man named Zack tries to fill his father’s hat as the greatest pirate ever and win the heart of his childhood crush, Krystina. Unfortunately, she has no interest in a slacker wannabe lacking moral fiber that stands for nothing other than rocking out, and super hero comic books. To prove his worth, Zack follows his late father’s treasure map and along for the ride is Daniel, the trusty and adorable Turtle, who guides Zack through their journey. In this adventure, the two will face zombies, mad cows, a music-hating robot,  a crushing giant gecko, an evil doctor, and the arch enemy of all pirates …

Directed by Dahveed Kolodny-Nagy and Steven Sievers
Produced by Danny Torres

Status: In Development

*Note Release Dates & Platforms are Subject to Change

© 2023 Continuum Motion Pictures